Barbie Diversity Continues in 2020

It is so exciting to see the newest array of diverse dolls coming out in 2020 thanks to Barbie’s Fashionistas doll line. We have a close connection to the designers thanks to the opportunity to collaborate with the team as they launched the very first prosthetic leg doll back in 2019. This year, the newest…

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One-Of-A-Kind Barbie Doll Honors for Jordan Reeves

Back in December 2015, Jordan decided to use her voice to encourage change in what we see on the toy shelves. She saw mainstream toy companies adding new accessories to help kids feel like they weren’t left out. So she started a campaign asking for limb difference options. The combination of her petition and…

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Innovation and Inclusion with Barbie

When Jordan spoke up about her hope to see more limb differences represented in toys, she did not expect anything would happen beyond gathering signatures on Because she spoke up, she worked with the Barbie design team on a new doll that wears a prosthetic leg. And now, Jordan got to shoot a video…

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Doll love and sadness

Jordan goes through times when she really loves dolls. Of course our trip to American Girl refreshed her love. She carried her doll around just about everywhere after our Saturday trip. On Sunday she took the doll on a trip to my old hometown in the suburbs of Chicago. We were just getting out of…

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A new doll

It was an overcast and eventually rainy day today… So after we enjoyed a lazy morning, the girls went shopping. Lucky for Jordan, she got her first real doll. You know: the kind that has a bottle and a pacifier. This one even makes a few sounds. All of it brings total and complete joy…

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What an adventure

So we spent the day with all kinds of families of kids with limb differences… My favorite quote of the day from Cam: “There’s all kinds of kids here with little arms!” Probably since we didn’t make a big deal about today’s event except that we told him we were going to something that was…

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