31 Months Old!

Jordan got to celebrate her 31st month birthday by enjoying dinner at a station potluck. We had a TON of food and Jordan got to woo every single person there. She is not worried about being polite (although demanding) and adorable. I’m so amazed to have this big girl in my house. In the last…

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Big girl

Jordan is so big. She went to the newsroom with me and helped me smile while I worked late. Then we went to a downtown festival where my girl GROOVED. She danced freely in the crown. Just pure happiness. I couldn’t stop giggling.

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Money and remote controls

She did it… Jordan stood up on her own today! She stood up on the coffee table twice! Why? She was reaching for her daddy’s wallet and remotes… and she pushed up enough to stand! Then I started putting all kinds of things she wanted onto the table. She didn’t think I was very funny.…

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Fun with a baby

Best meal ever Originally uploaded by Jen. Jordan got to hang out at the newsroom for a while today. I love having her around. The funny part is when Stacey and Randy start playing around with the kids. That’s when silly things happen. They decided to put Jordan in a take-out box… a larger than…

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