The Best Brother in the Shadows

Jordan has so much support. I have found articles in South Africa, France, England, India and even Serbia sharing her Project Unicorn story and how Born Just Right is launching a nonprofit so more kids have a chance to learn inclusive design. What you may not know is one of Jordan’s biggest supporters is her…

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Brotherly (and Sisterly) Love

We’re all different. That’s obvious. But some differences are more obvious than others. I’ve written before how Cameron and Jordan have differences but one kid has an easier time getting the needed resources. It’s tough to know what’s the right or wrong thing to do as a parent. A while back, my friend Kate wrote about…

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Love is in the air

Love is in the air at our household. In between the time when the kids are bickering at each other, I feel like we’re in a very special time where both kids are sweet and cuddly and are so loving. There’s something about the range between six years old and almost ten years old that…

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Now you see it. Now you don't.

It hit me as I drove to work. My two kids are so very different and their challenges in life are in many ways very opposite. And the fiery sibling rivalry that roars between them is possibly fed thanks to their individual challenges. After spending a lot of wonderful time with the special needs community…

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Oldest vs. Youngest

Jordan is super upset she’s the youngest child in our household. To make matters worse, most of her good friends are twins or older siblings in their respective households. Yesterday, another wonderful family we know who has a super sweet daughter welcomed another little one into their home… And that means another sweet friend of…

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Easter fun

The kids are enjoying a wonderful Easter – full of hugs and smiles. It’s sweet how they dress up and happily pose together. For some reason, Easter is the holiday they happily smile and stand close to each other. Maybe it’s the pastel color of the clothing. Who knows. I do know that I have…

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She's clearly growing up

This week is Jordan’s brother’s week. His birthday is on April first… and every year you have to deal with a bit of jealousy that comes with the doting of a birthday kid. But this year was different. Jordan was honored to have a birthday brother. She signed and decorated a card and drew a…

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Sibling… Love?

Jordan and her brother Cameron are going through a phase… And I realize it’s a phase that will last through the majority of their childhood. It’s a combination of total love and complete and utter rivalry and unexplained anger. The two of them will have a sweet moment like this picture I captured last week…

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Loving the leaves

It’s Fall! It’s been an ugly Fall… All kinds of cold weather and a lot of rain. But it’s also any other Fall where the trees are changing colors and I can’t handle missing a chance to take pictures of the kids! We’ve had a few days recently where the weather has improved while those…

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So this is a three year old

I have commented a few times about how Jordan is showing true rebellious colors these days. But I haven’t really written it down. It’s exhausting. A portion of that strong rebellion allows her to push through challenges and do things that no one could have imagined. She won’t let me help her put toothpaste on…

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